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Vickie Couture
So many good memories of Margaret. I took care of her at Easthaven for a long time and there are so many memories to tell. But my best memory was every time the mariners would play I would bring her dinner to her room so she wouldn't miss the game. I would hang out in her room for a few minutes before I would have to go back to work, and she always loved the company of another mariners fan.  She will always be missed and never forgotten.
Anita Marriott
Mom and I talked about her favorite Christmas memories. She said she loved it when all of the kids still believed in Santa. It was so much fun to keep all the little kids up and go to midnight mass . Santa always knew he could sneak in the house when we were gone to Midnight Mass. Every year when we would come home the house was filled with presents from Santa. The kids would stay up as long as we could stay awake playing with our toys. The next morning everybody slept in for a long time even mom and dad.

When she was a little girl the best Christmas present she ever got was a little sewing machine.

Another thing she remembers as being very special was that her brother, JE was a really good singer. He would sing I am Dreaming of a White Christmas on Christmas Eve before they went to sleep.
Crystal Marriott
I remember Granny Maggie and Roy's house being full of family and fun.  Dad took Jake and I to their house often growing up.  I have fond memories of playing in their backyard, and in the playhouse at their house in Norman.  I remember loving visits to Granny Maggie's house in Moore.  Jake and I spent many days running around that house and to the park down the street.  I am most proud, and grateful, for the loving family that Granny Maggie created.  I am blessed to have had her as my Grandmother.  May she rest in peace.
Skye Tucker

I remember Grandma Maggie and Grandpa Roy would pack Megan, Kathleen and I up in their van for a day of fun. Megan and I would lay our seats back and stare at the metal celing of the van while Kathleen would sit on the cooler inbetween Grandma and Grandpa.


Grandpa would drive us all over the place, sometimes driving in circles so Megan and I would be disorented. After a while we would always end up someplace we had never been, and Megan and I never once guessed our location corectly. But then again we were still in Elementary school.


When I was in high school, I went to Tenino for a soccer game and saw the same park I had been to once before with Grandpa and Grandma. It was a special gift to me, and helped me feel closer to Grandpa even though he had passed away years before.


I have always appreicated that they took so much time to interact with us and make life an adventure. I will miss that always.

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